Fighting For the Rights Of Employees With Disabilities
Don’t put up with discrimination
Treating employees differently on the basis of a disability is both morally and legally wrong, yet far too many disabled employees still face harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Laws protecting employees with disabilities are complicated and employers often deny doing anything wrong. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced attorney on your side.
At Gibson Law, LLC, we know how companies often handle these types of claims. Our disability discrimination attorneys used to represent employers. Now, we put our experience and legal knowledge to work for employees throughout Ohio who have been the victims of discrimination and fight to help them get justice.
Discrimination at the workplace is never acceptable
Federal and state laws prohibit employers from discriminating against employees because of their disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Ohio law define “disability” broadly, including a wide range of physical and mental impairments that are congenital or caused by a disease or health condition.
Employers are prohibited from treating disabled employees less favorably due to their disability. That includes almost all aspects of employment, such as hiring, firing, promotions, pay, fringe benefits, accommodations, layoffs, training, job assignments and other terms or conditions of employment.
Disability discrimination at the workplace can take many forms. Examples include:
- Terminating an employee because of a disability.
- Refusing to hire a qualified person who has a disability.
- Failing to promote an employee who has a disability for no good cause.
- Demoting an employee who has a disability for no good cause.
- Making harassing comments about a person’s disability.
- Disciplining an employee with a disability for no good cause.
Employers have the additional obligation to provide disabled employees accommodations that allow them to perform their job functions. Some common types of accommodations include changes to job schedules, eliminating certain tasks and providing leave. If an employer denies an accommodation that is reasonable, it may be legally liable.
Complaints of discrimination can be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC). These agencies are usually overwhelmed, however, and it can take time for them to respond. They also may not have the capacity or resources to thoroughly investigate your claim.
If you experienced discrimination, we can help
That’s why you need an experienced attorney who knows how to build a strong case that employers have to take seriously. Our firm knows where to look for evidence of disability discrimination. We carefully review all relevant documentation and seek access to company records. We identify and interview witnesses.
Our disability discrimination lawyers also determine the damages you have suffered and demand compensation. This may include back wages, loss of future wages, liquidated (double) damages and attorney’s fees. If your employer is not willing to negotiate a settlement that meets your needs, we are prepared to litigate.
You do not have to put up with workplace discrimination based on your disability. Learn more about how we can help protect your rights. Contact us to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team at our Cincinnati or Dayton office.